Monday, 8 August 2011

Sewing for Improvers - Applique Purse

Last one for the Summer School this year, phew time to put my feet up, well not really, but at least not spend all my time at the Folk House.
A lot of this group came to the cushion workshop earlier in the week, so had the very basics of sewing already, this time they came to improve their skills, learn how to put in zips, and a bit of decoration with applique and some tried free machine embroidery.

More again on the 5th November £17.75 concessions available

Lino print workshop - another one!

More lino printing, seem to be doing lots of these lately, but more good results. I particularly like the allium ones. Some of these are still works in progress, but you can see the potential.

Next class in Autumn term 8th October 10 - 4 £34 with concessions available 0117 926 2987 for details or

Print Making Workshop

Some really lovely prints produced at Thursdays print making workshop; a whole range from abstract and experimental, to plant life and human form. People seemed to enjoy playing and seeing what the simple medium of press print could do, a few came back for the lino printing class on Saturday (see a later post). 

I will be running another printmaking class in November, but this time it will cover 3 different print making techniques, including press print, mono prints and collographs. This one is 12th November 10 -4  £30 with concession available. Again contact the Folk House for details, 0117 926 2987

Getting to know your sewing machine

Another one as part of the Folk House Summer School, this time learning how to use a sewing machine and making simple cushion cover to practice the skills. This included pattern cutting, sewing straight lines and button holes! Next class is 5th November at the Folk House, contact them for details.

Some cushions in progress:

Finished ones:

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Felt Making workshop

Another in the series of summer school workshops this week at the Bristol Folk House, this time felt making. Most of the group were completely new to felt making and came away with some amazing results. 

No more classes planned this year at the moment, however I will be running an 8 week course in the new year at Backwell School. It's Monday evening 7 -9 pm and starts on 23rd Jan 2012 (half term break 13/2/12)

We began with a basic square of felt and then tried of variety of techniques including creating straight edges, pockets, nuno felt, cobweb, felt balls and tubes (for making buttons)

A selection of the finished work from the day:

Free Machine Embroidery & Applique

This week as part of Bristol Folk House Summer School I have run 2 free machine embroidery taster workshops. Most people that attended had tried any before and all came away with good control of the machine and lots of ideas and samples.... and the desire to do more!

Speaking of which I will be running longer day sessions and 2 six week courses later in the year, again at the Folk House, contact them for booking and further details 0117 926 2987: 
Day Classes:
Sat 10th September 10- 4 £26.50, concessions available
Sat 10th December 10- 4 £26.50, concessions available
Six Week Course:
Mondays 5.30 -7.30 starting 31st October £70.25, concessions available
Wednesdays 7.45 - 9.45 starts 14th Sept, although I think this one may be full already.

The images show a mix of the 2 classes and a variety of samples produced on paper and fabric.